3. Difference Of Editions
A Vindication by Edward Gibbon

Mr. Davis had been directed by my references to several passages of Optatus Milevitanus,(11) and of the Bibliotheque Ecclesiastique of M. Dupin.(12) He eagerly consults those places, is unsuccessful, and is happy. Sometimes the place which I have quoted does not offer any of the circumstances which I had alleged, sometimes only a few; and sometimes the same passages exhibit a sense totally adverse and repugnant to mine. These shameful misrepresentations incline Mr. Davis to suspect that I have never consulted the original (not even of a common French book!), and he asserts his right to censure my presumption. These important charges form two distinct articles in the list of Misrepresentations; but Mr. Davis has amused himself with adding to the slips of the pen or of the press, some complaints of his ill success, when he attempted to verify my quotations from Cyprian and from Shaw's Travels.(13)

The success of Mr. Davis would indeed have been somewhat extraordinary, unless he had consulted the same editions, as well as the same places. I shall content myself with mentioning the editions which I have used, and with assuring him, that if he renews his search, he will not, or rather that he will, be disappointed.

WorkMr. Gibbon's EditionsMr. Davis's Editions
Optatus Milevitanus, by Dupin, fol. Paris, 1700.Fol. Antwerp, 1702.
Dupin, Bibliotheque Ecclesiastique 4t0. Paris, 1690 8vo. Paris, 1687.
Cypriam OperaFell, fol. Amsterdam, 1700.Most probably Oxon. 1682.
Shaw's Travels,4t0. London, 1757. The folio Edition.